Semi-implicit scheme for semi-automatic segmentation in NaturaSat software

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Martin Ambroz Michal Kollár Karol Mikula


In this paper, we present new accurate and efficient semi-automatic segmentation method for Sentinel-2 satellite images which is used in NaturaSat software for exploration of Natura 2000 habitats. The method is based on the Lagrangian approach to evolving plane curves and the mathematical model incorporates the tangential redistribution of grid points. The Lagrangian curve evolution is solved by the semi-implicit scheme and new robust and efficient initial condition for curve evolution is proposed. The final semi-automatic segmentation is automatically adjusted to represent the desired boundaries accurately with a control of the smoothness of the final segmentation result. Together with comprehensive discussion on semi-automatic segmentation, the NaturaSat software design and its functionality is presented as well.

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How to Cite
Ambroz, M., Kollár, M., & Mikula, K. (2020). Semi-implicit scheme for semi-automatic segmentation in NaturaSat software. Proceedings Of The Conference Algoritmy, , 171 - 180. Retrieved from


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