New properties of prolongations of Linear connections on Weil bundles

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Basile Guy Richard Bossoto


Let M be a paracompact smooth manifold, A a Weil algebra and MA the associated Weil bundle. If \nabla is a linear connection on M, we give equivalent denition and the properties of the prolongation \nabla^A to M^A equivalent to the prolongationdened by Morimoto. When (M; g) is a pseudo-riemannian manifold, we show that the symmetric tensor g^A of type (0; 2) dened by Okassa is nondegenerated. At the end, we show that , if \nabla is a Levi-Civita connection on (M; g), then \nabla^A istorsion-free and g^A is parallel with respect to \nabla^A.

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How to Cite
Bossoto, B. (2016). New properties of prolongations of Linear connections on Weil bundles. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 85(1), 69-80. Retrieved from


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