Generic QR-submanifolds of quaternion Kaehler manifolds

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Amine Yilmaz Deniz Poyraz Bayram Sahin


In this article, generic QR-submanifolds of a quaternion Kaehler manifold are introduced as a generalization of QR-submanifolds and real hypersurfaces of a quaternion Kaehler manifold. Examples of such submanifolds are given, the geometry of the distributions on the submanifold is examined, and mixed geodesic generic QR-submanifolds, a special kind of geodesicity, are investigated. Finally, the main properties of totally umbilical and totally geodesic generic QR-submanifolds are explored.

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How to Cite
Yilmaz, A., Poyraz, D., & Sahin, B. (2021). Generic QR-submanifolds of quaternion Kaehler manifolds. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 90(3), 341-351. Retrieved from