On the existence of periodic solutions of a second order iterative differential equation

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Rabah Khemis Ahlème Bouakkaz Safa Chouaf


In this work, we consider a class of second order iterative differential equations. Using Schauder's fixed point theorem and the Green's functions method, the existence of periodic solutions is proved after establishing theequivalence of our problem with a certain integral equation. Finally, we end this article with a simple conclusion recapitulating the guiding idea of our approach. Obtained findings complement some previous publications in the literature.

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How to Cite
Khemis, R., Bouakkaz, A., & Chouaf, S. (2023). On the existence of periodic solutions of a second order iterative differential equation. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 92(1), 9-22. Retrieved from http://www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc/ojs/index.php/amuc/article/view/1801/971