Transversal hypersurfaces of (LCS)n-manifolds

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Mobin Ahmad Absos Ali Shaikh


The object of the present paper is to study some properties oftransversal hypersurfaces of (LCS)n-manifolds. Further, we investigate some characterizations on geodesic hypersurfaces of (LCS)n-manifolds. We also prove that if M is a transversal hypersurface of an (LCS)n-manifold with a parallel vector eld V and an (1; 1) tensor eld f with zero eigen value, then M is totally geodesic.

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How to Cite
Ahmad, M., & Shaikh, A. (2018). Transversal hypersurfaces of (LCS)n-manifolds. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 87(1), 107-116. Retrieved from


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