Pre-image entropy for maps on noncompact topological spaces

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Lei Liu


We propose a new definition of pre-image entropy for continuous maps on noncompact topological spaces, investigate fundamental properties of the new pre-image entropy, and compare the new pre-image entropy with the existing ones. The defined pre-image entropy generates that of Cheng and Newhouse. Yet, it holds various basic properties of Cheng and Newhouse's pre-image entropy, for example, the pre-image entropy of a subsystem is bounded by that of the original system, topologically conjugated systems have the same pre-image entropy, the pre-image entropy of the induced hyperspace system is larger than or equal to that of the original system, and in particular this new pre-image entropy coincides with Cheng and Newhouse's pre-image entropy for compact systems.

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How to Cite
Liu, L. (2017). Pre-image entropy for maps on noncompact topological spaces. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 82(2), 219-230. Retrieved from