Convergence of the Increments of a Wiener Process

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Abdelkader Bahram


Let $\lambda_{(t;\alpha) = (2at (\log(t/a_t) + \log \log t + (1- \alpha)\log\log a_t))^{-1/2}$ where $0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$ be a standard Wiener process. Suppose that at is a nondecreasing function of t such that $0 < a_t$ t and $a_t/t$ is nonincreasing. In this paper we study the almost sure behaviour of $\lim \sup _\to\infty\sup \lambda{(t_k,\alpha}|W_{(t_k+s)}-W(t_k)|$ where $\{t_k\}$ be some increasing sequence diverging to $\infty$.

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How to Cite
Bahram, A. (2014). Convergence of the Increments of a Wiener Process. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 83(1), 113-118. Retrieved from


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