Oscillatory behavior of nonlinear advanced differential equations with a non-monotone argument

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Ozkan Ocalan Nurten Kilic Umut Mutlu Ozkan


Consider the first-order nonlinear advanced differential equation
x′(t)-p(t)f(x(τ(t)))=0, t≥t₀,
where p(t) is are nonnegative function on R and τ(t) is non-monotone or nondecreasing function such that τ(t)≥t for t≥t₀. Under these assumptions we researched oscillatory behaviour of solutions of nonlinear advanced differential equations and we obtain new oscillation criteria, involving limsup and liminf. An example illustruting the result is also given.

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How to Cite
Ocalan, O., Kilic, N., & Ozkan, U. (2019). Oscillatory behavior of nonlinear advanced differential equations with a non-monotone argument. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88(2), 239-246. Retrieved from http://www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc/ojs/index.php/amuc/article/view/964/664