function[Phi_best,w_best]=Example3(starttime,t_max) %Example 3 in the manuscript Harman, Bachrata, Filova: Heuristic construction of exact experimental designs under multiple resource constraints %Nonlinear regression model with simultaneous direct and cost constraints %input: %starttime: the time s=0,...,167 when the experiment is initiated %t_max: the time (in seconds) the heuristic is required to run %output: %Phi_best: the D-value of the design w_best %w_best: D-efficient exact design found by the heuristic t1=3532; t2=0.2381; for i=0:144 F(1,i+1)=1/t2*(exp(-t2*max([i-72 0]))-exp(-t2*i)); a=exp(-t2*max([i-72 0])); F(2,i+1)=t1/t2^2*(a*(-1-t2*max([i-72 0]))+exp(-t2*i)*(t2*i+1)); end; %generate the constraints function[A,b]=schedule(starttime) g0=ones(1,168)*1.5; g0([1:6 116:168])=2; g0([9:17 33:41 57:65 81:89 105:113])=1; g0=[g0 g0]; g=g0(starttime:(starttime+144)); b=ones(146,1); b(146)=13; A=eye(145); A(146,:)=g; end %run the optimization [A,b]=schedule(starttime); wwstart=zeros(145,1); wwstart(1)=1; wwstart(73)=1; wwstart(145)=1; [Phi_best,w_best]=Hugo(F,A,b,wwstart,-1,t_max) end