Objectives of the programme

A.    Mathematical models for combustion

B.    Singularities in superconductivity, liquid crystals, and micromagnetism

C.    Front propagation in biological and chemical systems

D.    Coating flows and thin liquid films

E.    Interfaces in phase transitions

F.    Blow-up problems

G.    PDE's with singular data

T.    Training of young researchers

Mathematical models for combustion

Involves teams
Italy, The Netherlands, Israel, Spain, United Kingdom, France
with the following major goals:

Singularities in superconductivity, liquid crystals, and micromagnetism

Involves teams
Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Israel, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, France
with the following major goals:

Front propagation in biological and chemical systems
Inolves all teams,
with the following major goals:

Coating flows and thin liquid films

Involves teams
Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom,
with the following major goals:

Interfaces in phase transitions
Involves all teams,
with the following major goals:

Blow-up problems

Involves teams
Italy, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Israel, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, France
with the following major goals:

PDE's with singular data

Involves teams
Italy, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Israel, Greece, Spain, France
with the following major goals:

Training of young researchers