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Seminar 14.11.2019: Candan Celik

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:27 pm
by quittner
Seminár z kvalitatívnej teórie diferenciálnych rovníc
Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations

Štvrtok 14.11.2019 o 14:00, poslucháreň M-223

Candan Çelik (KAMŠ FMFI UK):
Analysis of stochastic models for regulatory molecules in living cells

Abstract:The dynamics of individual biomolecules plays an important role at the microscopic level in living cells.
The copy number of a molecule changes randomly as a consequence of birth-and-death reactions.
In this work, we study a one-dimensional mathematical model that involves a molecule with exponentially
distributed lifetime and introduce a more complex model with general lifetime distributions.