9th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up

The Mathematical Research and Conference Center

Będlewo, Poland


Invited speakers

      JAPAN         EUROPE

G. Akagi K. Fujie P. Biler J. Burczak
Y. Fujishima N. Ioku T. Cieślak J. King
T. Kan T. Kawakami J. Lankeit M. Musso
S. Masaki S. Okabe J. Peszek P. Poláčik
Y. Seki R. Takada P. Quittner Ph. Souplet

Scientific committee

K. Ishige, M. Fila, M. Winkler, E. Yanagida

Organizing committee

M. Fila,   G. Karch,   M. Sierżęga

General presentation and history

Blow-up phenomena are ubiquitous in mathematical models in the sciences. Virtually every model including nonlinear terms exhibits solutions which may form singularities, such as "real" blow-up in chemical reactions, turbulence in fluid flows, defects in liquid crystals, formation of Bose-Einstein condensates, flows in porous media, fronts in thin viscous flows, combustion, chemotaxis and also in geometric flows. The interest in these phenomena, motivated by a wide variety of applications, provides scientists from different backgrounds and using different methodologies with an inspiring common research focus in which the main language is that of nonlinear partial differential equations. Based on developments in recent analysis on singularity formation in semilinear and quasilinear parabolic equations, an area motivated in part by the early attempts to understand singularity formation in the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and the onset of turbulence in fluid flows, this workshop reaches out to more general areas in which the occurrence or non-occurrence of blow-up is a fundamental issue. Once blow-up is established, the main questions are when, where and how does it occur, as well as what happens after blow-up. More precisely, in order to understand the respective mechanisms of singularity formation, it is natural to determine the time and the spatial set where blow-up occurs, investigate the blow-up profile in time and space, and decide whether or not an exploding solution can be continued beyond its blow-up time. The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in various fields related to the analysis of blow-up phenomena, as well as junior scientists. Among the aspects particularly focused on are the following. This will be the 9th edition of a series of workshops on blow-up. The first eight editions of this series took place in


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