function[DQ,MDQ,Dvalue]=DQ_cplex(F,N,arg1,arg2,arg3) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Quadratic integer program for computing exact DQ-optimal designs % % (version that uses CPLEX solver of integer quadratic programming) % % % % Based on the paper: Harman R, Filova L: Computing efficient exact % % designs of experiments using integer quadratic programming, % % Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 71, pp. 1159–1167 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Input: % F ... an mxn matrix with columns equal to regressors of the model % (n is the size of the design space and m is the dimension of parameter) % N ... an integer number giving the required number of trials (the size) % % arg1, arg2, arg3 ... additional parameters with the following meaning: % % if only arg1 is supplied, then it is interpreted as M % if both arg1, arg2 are supplied, they are interpreted as A,b. % if all three arg1-3 are supplied, they are interpreted as M,A,b, where: % % M ... the mxm information matrix of the D-optimal approximate design % A ... a kxn matrix of real coefficients % b ... a kx1 vector of real coefficients % (that is the constraints Aw<=b are added to w(1)+...+w(n)=1) % % Notes: The design w above is normalized, i.e., w(i) means the proportion % of trials in the design point i. The elements of A,b can be arbitrary % real numbers, but note that for some A,b the system Aw<=b, w(1)+...+w(n)=1 % has no solution w. switch nargin case 2 M=0; A=[]; b=[]; case 3 M=arg1; A=[]; b=[]; case 4 M=0; A=arg1; b=arg2; case 5 M=arg1; A=arg2; b=arg3; otherwise error('quip:IncorrectInput','The number of input arguments should be between 2 and 5.'); end; dF=size(F); m=dF(1); % number of parameters n=dF(2); % size of the (discrete) design space dA=size(A); k=dA(1); % If the D-optimal approximate infomation matrix is missing, % compute it using sedumi (SDP solver). if M==0 M=zeros(m,m); w=sdpvar(n,1); constraints = [w >= 0, sum(w) == 1, A*w<=b]; for i=1:n M=M+w(i)*F(:,i)*F(:,i)'; end; objective = -logdet(M); options = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','savesolveroutput','1'); approx=solvesdp(constraints, objective, options); appweights=approx.solveroutput.y(1:n); for i=1:n M=M+appweights(i)*F(:,i)*F(:,i)'; end; M=double(M); end; invM=eye(m)/M; % Set up the quadratic integer program for the CPLEX solver f=zeros(n,1); H=zeros(n,n); for i=1:n f(i)=-2*(F(:,i))'*invM*(F(:,i))/N; end; for i=1:n for j=i:n H(i,j)=((F(:,i))'*invM*(F(:,j))/N)^2; H(j,i)=H(i,j); end; end; sostype=[]; sosind=[]; soswt=[]; Aineq=A; bineq=N*b; Aeq=ones(1,n); beq=N; lb=zeros(n,1); ub=N*ones(n,1); ctype=[]; for i=1:n ctype=[ctype 'I']; end; %use the cplex solver to compute the DQ-optimal design DQ=cplexmiqp(H,f,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,sostype,sosind,soswt,lb,ub,ctype); DQ=DQ./N; %compute the DQ-optimal information matrix MDQ=zeros(m,m); for i=1:n MDQ=MDQ+DQ(i)*F(:,i)*F(:,i)'; end; Dvalue=(det(MDQ))^(1/m); end