function[Phi_best,w_best]=Example2(B,t_max) %Example 2 in the manuscript Harman, Bachrata, Filova: Heuristic construction of exact experimental designs under multiple resource constraints %Quadratic model with simultaneous marginal and cost constraints %input: %B: maximum possible cost of the experiment %t_max: the length of time (in seconds) the heuristic is required to run %output: %Phi_best: the D-value of the design w_best %w_best: D-efficient exact design found by the heuristic %generate the matrix of regressors F=zeros(6,54); F(1,:)=ones(1,54); F(4,1:3)=94.9; for i=1:17 for j=1:3 F(4,3*i+j)=95.0+0.1*i; end; end; F(4,:)=(F(4,:)-95.8)./0.9; for i=1:18 F(5,3*i-2)=-1; F(5,3*i)=1; end F(2,:)=F(4,:).^2; F(3,:)=F(5,:).^2; F(6,:)=F(4,:).*F(5,:); %generate the constraints A=zeros(19,54); for i=1:18 for j=1:3 A(i,3*i-j+1)=1; end; A(19,3*i-1)=10; A(19,3*i)=20; end; b=[1 3 14 59 52 29 25 32 36 29 36 38 12 10 8 2 3 3 B]'; %run the optimization [Phi_best,w_best]=Hugo(F,A,b,zeros(54,1),-1,t_max); end