Vazeni kolegovia,
pozyvame Vas na seminar Centra pre ekonomiu a financie Fakulty matematiky,
fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenskeho. Jeho obsahom bude prednaska
Michael Rauscher (Univ. Rostock/WU Wien):
Green R&D versus End-of-Pipe Emission Abatement,
ktora sa uskutocni v stredu 17.2.2010 o 15:00 hod.
v poslucharni C na FMFI UK.
Abstrakt prednasky:
The paper looks at a model of directed technical change in an environmental-economics context. Firms can do conventional or "green" R&D or they can abate emissions at the end of pipe. The paper has two main foci. On the one hand, it investigates the impact of environmental regulation on the allocation of resources to conventional R&D, green R&D, and end-of-pipe abatement. On the other hand, it addresses the question whether stricter emission standards should be used to support green R&D and/or economic growth.
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