Vazeni kolegovia,
pozyvame Vas na seminar Centra pre ekonomiu a financie Fakulty matematiky,
fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenskeho. Jeho obsahom bude prednaska
Jana Szolgayova (FMFI UK, Bratislava/IIASA, Laxenburg): Development of Transportation in the Context of Economic Growth,ktora sa uskutocni
v stredu 24.3.2010 o 15:00 hod.v poslucharni C na FMFI UK.
Abstrakt prednasky:
The paper investigates the interdependency between the country's economic growth and the development of transportation infrastructure in the coutry. The mutual influece is studied in a optimal control framework. The derived problem falls within the scope of infinite horizon optimal control problems.
A recently-developed version of the Pontryagin Maximum principle (Aseev & Kryazhimskiy, 2005) is suitable for tackling this kind of problems. An analytical solution for the infinite horizon problem is derived and the steady state is shown to depend crucially on the rate of physical decay of roads.
Further development of the model enables an assessment of a network's ability to compensate for such long-term negative effects on optimal economic output. The generalization to a case of a network with any finite number of links is also derived.
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