Vážení kolegovia,
pozývame Vás na seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie Fakulty matematiky,
fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského. Jeho obsahom bude prednáška
Gerhard Clemenz (University of Vienna):
Open Source Software and Network Externalities,
ktorá sa uskutoční v stredu 24.11.2010 o 15.00
v posluchárni C na FMFI UK.
Abstrakt prednášky:
It is investigated whether there exist conditions under which
(i) only open source software (OSS) is viable but not commercial software (CS);
(ii) OSS is developed more efficiently than CS;
(iii) OSS would be of higher quality than CS;
(iv) market entry is possible for OSS but not for CS.
The answer is in the affirmative. A key assumption concerns the production function for software which exhibits economies of collaboration, but also diseconomies of scale if the number of developers gets too large. Heterogeneity of users and the existence of a small, highly motivated group are conducive for OSS.
Viac informácií o seminároch nájdete na web-stránke:
http://www.defm.fmph.uniba.skv časti "Aktuality a seminare".
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