Vážení kolegovia,
pozývame Vás na seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie Fakulty matematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského.
Jeho obsahom bude prednáška
Michal Horváth (University of Oxford):
Savings, Inequality and Automatic Stabilization,
ktorá sa uskutoční v stredu 16.3.2011 o 15.00
v posluchárni C na FMFI UK.
Abstrakt prednášky:
A model is developed to study the interaction between stabilizing the economic cycle through a progressive tax system and the long-run implications for the distribution of wealth. Individual and aggregate consumption, as well as inequality, are smoothed over the cycle as the progressivity of the tax and benefit system increases. In the long run, however, progressive capital taxes act to increase wealth (and income) inequality, and (mis-) fortunes are more persistent in economies with higher universal benefit financed by a progressive income tax.
Viac informácií o seminároch nájdete na web-stránke:
http://www.defm.fmph.uniba.skv časti "Aktuality a semináre".
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