Vážení kolegovia,
pozývame Vás na seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie Fakulty matematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského. Jeho obsahom bude prednáška:
Katarína Danišková (FMFI UK):
Meta-Analysis of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve,
ktorá sa uskutoční v stredu 17.10.2012 o 15.00
v posluchárni C na FMFI UK.
Abstrakt prednášky:
The New Keynesian Phillips Curve has become an inherent part of modern monetary policy models. It is derived from micro-founded models with rational expectations, sticky prices, and forward and backward-looking subjects on the market. Having reviewed about 200 studies, we analyze the weight of the forward-looking behavior in the hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve by means of meta regression. We show that selected data and method characteristics have significant impact on reported results. Moreover, we find a significant publication bias including publications in top journals, while we document no bias for the most cited studies and the most cited authors.
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