Dobrý deň,
rád by som Vás pozval na seminár odboru výskumu, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 16. decembra 2011 o 13:00 v zasadačke na ôsmom poschodí v budove NBS.
Jakub Steiner (Northwestern University)
Who Matters in Coordination ProblemsAbstract
Agents face a coordination problem akin to the adoption of a network technology. A principal announces investment subsidies that, at minimal cost, attain a given likelihood of successful coordination. Optimal subsidies target agents who impose high externalities on others and on whom others impose low externalities. Based on the analysis of the role of strategic uncertainty in coordination processes, we provide a methodology that can be used to find the optimal targets for a variety of interventions in a large class of coordination problems with heterogeneous agents.
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