Ekonomická a finančná matematika

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Autor Správa
 Predmet príspevku: Seminár NBS 8.6.2012 - Michal Franta (ČNB)
PoslaťNapísal: Pon Jún 04, 2012 1:53 pm 

Registrovaný: Uto Okt 04, 2011 9:38 am
Príspevky: 24
Dobrý deň,
rád by som Vás pozval na seminár odboru výskumu, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 8. júna 2012 o 13:00 v zasadačke na ôsmom poschodí v budove NBS.

Michal Franta (ČNB)
Tracking Monetary Fiscal Interactions Across Time and Space

The fiscal position of many countries is worrying – and getting worse primarily due to
demographic trends of aging populations. Should formally independent central bankers
be concerned that observed fiscal excesses spill over to monetary policy, and jeopardize
inflation outcomes? To provide some insights this paper tracks the interactions between
fiscal and monetary policies in the data across time and space. It makes three main
contributions. The first one is methodological: we combine two recent econometric
procedures – time varying parameter vector autoregression with sign restrictions
identification – and discuss the advantages of this approach. The second contribution is
positive: we show how the policy interactions and other macroeconomic variables such
as fiscal multipliers have changed over time in six industrial countries. The third
contribution is normative: the paper highlights the role of institutional design of each
policy on the outcomes of both policies. Specifically, it offers some tentative evidence
that a stronger commitment of monetary policy (to a legislated target for average
inflation) may indirectly help improve fiscal outcomes towards sustainability and
reduce the probability of unpleasant monetarist arithmetic. This is because an explicit
long–term monetary commitment gives the central bank stronger ground for not
accommodating debt–financed fiscal shocks, which improves the incentives of

Účasť na seminári prosím potvrďte emailom na adrese matus.senaj@nbs.sk.

Prajem pekný deň,

Matúš Senaj
Odbor výskumu
Národná banka Slovenska
tel.: 02 5787 2935
e-mail: matus.senaj@nbs.sk
web: http://www.nbs.sk/sk/publikacie/vyskumne-studie

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