Dobrý deň,
rád by som Vás pozval na seminár odboru výskumu, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 20. júla 2012 o 13:00 v zasadačke na ôsmom poschodí v budove NBS.
Marian Vavra
Forecasting From Non-linear Models Under Data UncertaintyAbstract
This paper pays a special attention to the effect of statistical
revisions observed in manyy economic indicateors on the forecast
performance of non-linear time series models.
It is demonstrated, by means of Monte Carlo experiments, that data uncertainty
significantly deteriorates the forecast performance of non-linear time
series models models. For this reason, a new simulation based correction
procedure is proposed. It is shown that the proposed procedure can, under some
conditions, reduce, but not completely eliminate, the effect of statistical
revisions on the forecast performance. The procedure seems to be very
efficient provided that the order of the bias of revisions dominates the order
of the variance of statistical revisions.
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Matúš Senaj
Odbor výskumu
Národná banka Slovenska
tel.: 02 5787 2935