Ekonomická a finančná matematika

Fórum študentov, absolventov a pedagógov EFM na FMFI UK
Aktuálny čas je Pon Feb 10, 2025 3:02 pm

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 Predmet príspevku: Seminár NBS 12.10.2012 - Charis Christofides (IMF)
PoslaťNapísal: Pon Okt 08, 2012 10:35 am 

Registrovaný: Uto Okt 04, 2011 9:38 am
Príspevky: 24
Dobrý deň,
rád by som Vás pozval na seminár odboru výskumu, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 12. októbra 2012 o 13:00 v zasadačke na ôsmom poschodí v budove NBS.

Charis Christofides (IMF)
Did Established Early Warning Signals Predict the 2008 Crises?

Over the past 60 years, a voluminous literature has painstakingly developed theories and associated candidate regressors to motivate Early Warning Signals of economic crises. The hallmark of this literature is the remarkable consistency with which selected Early Warning Signals are thought to predict different types of crises across countries and time. The diversity of theories motivating Early Warning Signals presents a challenge to empirical implementations. If the true model of Early Warning Signal is unknown, omitted variable bias contaminates estimates and model uncertainty inflates confidence levels since the uncertainty surrounding a particular theory has not been ignored. Addressing model uncertainty in Early Warning Signal regressions, we find no single Early Warning Signal that can successfully alert to all dimensions of the 2008 crisis. Instead, different types of crises are identified by economically meaningful but distinctly different sets of Early Warning Signals. The paper discusses the relevance of identified Early Warning Signals associated with four different types of crises (Banking, Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate Pressure, and Recessions).

Účasť na seminári prosím potvrďte emailom na adrese matus.senaj@nbs.sk.

Prajem pekný deň,

Matúš Senaj
Odbor výskumu
Národná banka Slovenska
tel.: 02 5787 2935
e-mail: matus.senaj@nbs.sk
web: http://www.nbs.sk/sk/publikacie/vyskumne-studie

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