Ekonomická a finančná matematika

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 Predmet príspevku: Pozvánka na seminár IF 25.5.2015
PoslaťNapísal: Pon Máj 04, 2015 1:02 pm 

Registrovaný: Štv Okt 04, 2007 12:19 pm
Príspevky: 74
Milí priatelia,

radi by sme Vás pozvali na seminár IF, k pripravovanej analýze prínosov a nákladov prijatia spoločnej meny euro pre slovenskú ekonomiku, ktorý sa uskutoční 25. mája o 14 hod. 2015 v zasadačke K110 na pôde MF SR.

Branislav Žúdel, Libor Melioris: "Five Years in a Baloon"

Recent crisis in the eurozone highlights the importance of the cost-benefit analysis when considering the euro adoption. In the presented paper we use the synthetic control method to evaluate the effect of euro adoption in Slovakia. Results show that while having a negative impact during the financial crisis in 2009, the overall benefits of the euro adoption (including the anticipation effect) significantly outweighs its costs. Nevertheless, further work needs to be done to explore the channels how exactly euro spurred the economic growth in Slovakia.

Účasť na seminári prosím z kapacitných dôvodov potvrďte emailom na adrese: lucia.sramkova@mfsr.sk

S pozdravom,

Martin Filko

Dear partners

we would like to invite you to the IFP discussion seminar introducing the first results from the upcoming cost-benefit analysis of the euro adption in Slovakia. Seminar will take place on May 25th at 14 CET in the meeting room K110 at Ministry of Finance in Bratislava.

Branislav Žúdel, Libor Melioris: "Five Years in a Baloon"

Recent crisis in the eurozone highlights the importance of the cost-benefit analysis when considering the euro adoption. In the presented paper we use the synthetic control method to evaluate the effect of euro adoption in Slovakia. Results show that while having a negative impact during the financial crisis in 2009, the overall benefits of the euro adoption (including the anticipation effect) significantly outweights its costs. Nevertheless, further work needs to be done to explore the channels how exactly euro spurred the economic growth in Slovakia.

Please confirm your attendance due to the limited capacity at the following email address: : lucia.sramkova@mfsr.sk

Kind Regards,

Martin Filko

Chief Economist & Director

Institute for Financial Policy

Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

logokomplet-5_v2.jpgStefanovicova 5

P.O.BOX 82

817 82 Bratislava 15

Slovak Republic

tel.: +421-2-5958 2512

fax: +421-2-5958 2598

e-mail: martin.filko@mfsr.sk




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