Ekonomická a finančná matematika

Fórum študentov, absolventov a pedagógov EFM na FMFI UK
Aktuálny čas je Ned Feb 09, 2025 12:10 pm

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Autor Správa
 Predmet príspevku: Študentská pracovná pozícia - stážista na obchodnom oddelení
PoslaťNapísal: Sob Apr 27, 2024 5:33 am 

Registrovaný: Štv Aug 24, 2017 9:56 am
Príspevky: 138
Vážené kolegyne, vážení kolegovia,

nižšie Vám posielam informácie o študentskom stážovom mieste v spoločnosti SAP: stážista na obchodnom oddelení (Intern – Sales Associate). Ďalšie informácie, ako aj prihlasovací formulár je možné nájsť na nasledovnej webovej stránke:

S úctou,
Gábor Szűcs

The working student will work alongside with Sales office in Slovakia. This role offers insights into SAP’s ERP Go-to-Market, channel management, and sales organization and also insight in the operation and strategies of the Global System Integrators. Because of the level of insights, the role is designed for 2-3 years employment duration with 20 working hours a week.

Activities in the role:
  • Bid management – preparation and managing full life cycle process of preparing proposals
  • Preparation of presentations and mailings, incl. translation work
  • Preparation of market and competition analyses and reports
  • Preparation of reports
  • Supporting sales activities
  • Participation in offer management
  • Contact person for incoming enquiries
  • Assisting with customer acquisition and maintaining contacts by telephone
  • Contribution of own ideas to optimise sales activities

  • Student at a university or a university of applied sciences, preferably during master thesis
  • Preferred fields of study: economics, engineering or other
  • Computer skills: proficient use of MS Office apps
  • Language skills: fluency in English is a must
  • Soft skills: reliable, pro-active, open-minded, highly analytical, ease with complex matters, strong in team playing and communication, eager to learn!
  • Others: working experience on projects in international companies and intercultural skills are a plus


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