Vážení kolegovia,
pozývame Vás na Bratislava Economic Seminar, ktorý je spoločným projektom CEF FMFI UK, Národnej banky Slovenska a Katedry hospodárskej politky Národohospodárskej fakulty EUBA. Oznámenie o podujatí je v prílohe.
Seminár sa uskutoční uskutoční v stredu 27. mája 2015 o 16:00 v posluchárni C, na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava a jeho náplňou bude prednáška:
Uwe Dulleck Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Applying Behavioural Economics to the Real World: The QuBE-ASIC reports
Abstrakt: This is a talk that is intended for applied researchers and introduce two projects the Queensland Behavioural Economics Group has done with and commissioned by the Australian Financial Market Regulator - ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission). The presentation discusses the two research questions and the way laboratory experiments have been used to provide answers to the regulator. It sets out the results of research into how behavioural biases may influence preferences towards hybrid securities over the less complex financial products of bonds and shares. A key insight from behavioural economic research is that decisions, including investment decisions, are influenced heavily by a range of cognitive biases rather than solely rational consideration of all options. It follows that regulation aiming to improve citizens’ welfare needs to take into account these biases. The second report explores ways to increase compliance of directors of companies in liquidation with their legal obligations.
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