Vážené kolegyne, vážení kolegovia,
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UNIQA 4WARD Math Challenge – Advent Special. Táto súťaž bude pozostávať iba z jednej matematickej hádanky, ktorá sa zverejní
v piatok 4. decembra 2020 o 15:00 na webovej stránke UNIQA 4WARD a LinkedIn resp. Facebook skupine UNIQA Forum MathematiQum. Pre prvých 10 účastníkov, ktorí pošlú správnu odpoveď, UNIQA 4WARD má pripravené malé vianočné prekvapenie.
Dear riddle lovers,
are you ready for the Pre-Christmas season? We are!
Start the first Friday of December with our UNIQA 4WARD Math Challenge – Advent Special.
This time there is just one riddle, but therefore more presents
Does this sound good to you?
Start: Friday, 4th December 2020 at 15:00Join our quick winter challenge by submitting your answer on our website until Friday, 11th of December 2020 (midnight). We prepared small Christmas surprises for the first 10 participants who submit the correct answer.
For detailed information, become a member of our Facebook or LinkedIn Group UNIQA Forum MathematiQum and visit our website.
We look 4ward to your participation!
Best regards,
https://www.uniqa4ward.com/en/challenge.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/2165249177100976/https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12301199/S úctou
Gábor Szűcs