Ekonomická a finančná matematika

Seminár centra pre ekonómiu a financie 25.2.2009
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Autor:  chladna [ Uto Feb 17, 2009 11:38 am ]
Predmet príspevku:  Seminár centra pre ekonómiu a financie 25.2.2009

Vážení kolegovia,

pozývame Vás na seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie Fakulty matematiky,
fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského. Jeho obsahom bude prednáška:

Marianna Červená (Österreichische Nationalbank):
"Switching Costs, Wage Differentials and Inter-sectoral
Movements of Workers in a Multi-sector Pissarides Model"

ktorá sa uskutoční v stredu 25.2.2009 o 15:00 hod.
v posluchárni C na FMFI UK.

Abstrakt prednášky:
A number of stylized facts on worker flows between labor
markets, cyclicality of wages and sectoral wage differentials can be
found in the literature. Namely, there is a strong evidence on high
levels and substantial increases in worker mobility in the U.S. at
various levels of aggregation since 1960s. Wages are pro-cyclical and
there are substantial and persistent differences in sectoral wages. In
order to address these issues I propose a multi-sector version of a
standard search and matching model. The key features include modified
behavior of workers and aggregate productivity shocks, together with
worker reallocation being costly and these costs being subject to
shocks. Simulation results suggest that relative to the aggregate GDP,
not much is gained in aggregate terms. However, the model performs
reasonably well in explaining sectoral differences.

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