Ekonomická a finančná matematika

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 Predmet príspevku: Seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie 27.2.2008
PoslaťNapísal: Štv Feb 21, 2008 10:21 am 

Registrovaný: Štv Okt 04, 2007 9:30 pm
Príspevky: 25
Vážení kolegovia,

pozývame Vás na seminár Centra pre ekonómiu a financie Fakulty atematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského. Jeho obsahom bude prednáška:

Menbere Workie (Institute of Economic Research, SAS and City University of Seattle, European Graduate Programs):
"The Revival of labor productivity and economic growth in the digital era: An empirical investigation"

ktorá sa uskutoční v stredu 27.2.2008 o 15:00 hod. v miestnosti F1-326 FMFI UK.

Abstrakt prednášky:

This paper is aimed at empirically looking into the causality between labor productivity and information technology in selected European economies during the 1995-2004 period. The first part of the paper deals with the causality between labor productivity and economic growth in the European Union, Japan and the United States during 1960-2006 period. The results seem tto suggest that while there was a positive relationship between labour proudcitivyt and economic growth in all the countries under investigation during the entire period, the causality seems to be stronger since the mid 1990s. Then, the second part of the paper using cross-section, pooled-cross-section- time series and panel data, shows that the major part of tthis rise in labour productivity could be due to the expansion of the IT sector during the later periods.

Viac informácií o seminároch nájdete na web-stránke:
v časti "Aktuality a seminare".

Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť,


Beata Stehlikova

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