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 Predmet príspevku: Olga Radzyner Award
PoslaťNapísal: Pia Apr 22, 2016 8:04 am 

Registrovaný: Str Okt 03, 2007 9:40 pm
Príspevky: 261
Olga Radzyner Award
Conditions for Participation
(1) The submitted work shall qualify as scientific and should not exceed approximately 30 pages
in length. Preferably, it should be in the form of a working paper or a scientific article or be
the result of a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral thesis.
(2) The submitted work shall deal with the topic of European economic integration.
(3) The review process shall, above all, assess the quality and originality of the work.
(4) Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission.
(5) Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova,
Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia or Ukraine.
(6) Proof of date of birth and citizenship must be provided upon application; authors shall also
include a brief CV.
(7) In the case of coauthored work, each of the coauthors has to fulfill all the criteria.
(8) Previous winners of the Olga Radzyner Award, ESCB central bank employees as well as
and current employees of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank are excluded from
(9) The submitted work shall be typewritten and shall be in English or German.
(10) The Oesterreichische Nationalbank shall receive the work submitted for this award, by
16, 2016, and the work shall be sent by e-mail or in hard copy to Ms Eva
Wasserbauer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Foreign Research Division, PO
Box 61, 1011 Vienna, Austria. To identify their work as a submission, applicants shall mark
the envelope with the reference “Olga Radzyner Award 2016”.
(11) If the work submitted has already won an award or if it has been submitted for other awards,
this circumstance shall be mentioned in the application. Moreover, the applicant shall notify
the reviewers whether and when parts of the work or the entire work have been published.
Submissions for the Olga Radzyner Award shall be treated confidentially.
(12) The work shall be reviewed by a panel of four reviewers, who shall be qualified OeNB
staff members. The award shall be conferred on recommendation of the panel by the
Nationalbank’s Governing Board.
Vienna, January 2016
(13) If the panel should come to the conclusion that none, or only one or two or three of the submitted
works qualify for the award, it is authorized to suggest to the OeNB’s Governing
Board that no award be conferred, or that only one or two or three awards (EUR 3,000 each)
be conferred.
(14) The panel shall determine the award winners by simple majority. The chairperson shall have
the casting vote. The decision of the Governing Board of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
based on the panel’s proposal shall be final and, like the panel’s decision, shall not be subject
to appeal. The applicants shall not have any legal recourse.
(15) The Oesterreichische Nationalbank is entitled, but by no means obligated, to publish the
awarded papers in full or in part without obligation to make any additional payments. The
OeNB shall reserve the right to invite award winners to present their papers; the award
shall agree to give such a presentation without remuneration. The Oesterreichische
Nationalbank shall have the right to issue, or to have someone issue, press releases or other
notifications in connection with the presentation of the award, which shall take place at the
Global Economy Lecture (GEL) following the date of submission.
(16) The award will be given to the winners in the context of the Global Economy Lecture. The
award winners will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation costs incurred.
(17) By submitting their work, applicants shall consent to the above terms and conditions. The
granting of awards shall not entail any further obligations for the OeNB.
(18) Submitted work upon which none of the awards is conferred will be sent back to the author
that has handed it in, after the conclusion of the award selection process.
(19) For further information please contact Ms. Eva Gehringer-Wasserbauer in the Foreign
Division of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank either by e-mail or by phone.


Daniel Sevcovic

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