Solving Ordinary Differential Equations using Artificial Neural Networks - A study on the solution variance

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Toni Schneidereit Michael Breuß


Solving differential equations can be realised with simple artificial neural network architectures. Several methods make use of trial solutions with different construction approaches and can provide reliable results. However, many parameters, different optimisation methods and random weight initialisation result in a non constant variance to the exact solution. To our knowledge, this variance has not been studied yet. We investigate several parameters and constant versus random weight initialisation for two solution methods to determine their reliability with the use of backpropagation and ADAM optimisation.

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How to Cite
Schneidereit, T., & Breuß, M. (2020). Solving Ordinary Differential Equations using Artificial Neural Networks - A study on the solution variance. Proceedings Of The Conference Algoritmy, , 21 - 30. Retrieved from


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