DDFV schemes for semiconductors energy-transport models

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Giulia Lissoni


We propose a Discrete Duality Finite Volume scheme (DDFV for short) for an energy transport model for semiconductors. As in the continuous case, thanks to a change of variables into the so-called "entropic variables", we are able to prove a discrete entropy-dissipation estimate, which gives a priori estimates for the problem. We perform some numerical tests for the 2D ballistic diode, by comparing the Chen model and the Lyumkis model

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How to Cite
Lissoni, G. (2020). DDFV schemes for semiconductors energy-transport models. Proceedings Of The Conference Algoritmy, , 31 - 40. Retrieved from http://www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc/ojs/index.php/algoritmy/article/view/1550/812


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