Modelling of micro- and macro-fracture in cementitious composites
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Frequent utilization of composites with a cementitious matrix, reinforced by fibres of different origin, as constructive parts in civil engineering motivates the reliable computational prediction of their mechanical properties, namely of the risk of initiation and development of micro- and macro-fracture. This paper demonstrates the possibility of deterministic prediction of such physical process, applying the dynamical approach with the modified Kelvin viscoelastic model and cohesive contacts together with the method of discretization in time, using 3 types of Rothe sequences, and the extended finite element method (XFEM).
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Vala, J.
Modelling of micro- and macro-fracture in cementitious composites.
Proceedings Of The Conference Algoritmy, , 181 - 190.
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[25] R. F. Swati, L. H. Wen, H. Elahi, A. A. Khan and S. Shad, Extended finite element method (XFEM) analysis of fiber reinforced composites for prediction of micro-crack propagation and delaminations in progressive damage: a review, Microsystem Technologies 25 (2019), pp. 747–763.
[26] J. Vala, Remarks to the computational analysis of semilinear direct and inverse problems of heat transfer, Thermophysics – 24th International Conference in Smolenice (2019), AIP Conference Proceedings 2170, 2019, pp. 020023/1–6.
[27] J. Vala, Structure identification of metal fibre reinforced cementitious composites, Algoritmy – 20th Conference on Scientific Computing in Podbanské (2016), Proceedings, STU Bratislava, 2016, pp. 244–253.
[28] J. Vala, P. Jarošová and V. Kozák, On the computational analysis of quasi-brittle fracture using integral-type nonlocal models, International Journal of Applied Physics 4 (2019), pp. 8–13.
[29] J. Vala and V. Kozák, Computational analysis of quasi-brittle fracture in fibre reinforced cementitious composites, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107 (2020), pp. 102486/1–8.