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I. Diskrétne dynamické systémy a diferenčné rovnice
1. Jednorozmerný, lineárny a afinný dynamický systém
1.1. Príklady
1.2. Lineárny jednorozmerný systém (LDS)
1.3. Lineárna nehomogénna diferenčná rovnica a afinný
jednorozmerný LDS
1.4. Lineárny pavučinový (cobweb) model
1.5 Úlohy
zloženého úrokovania
2. Jednorozmerný nelineárny dynamický systém
2.1. Pevné body, periodické body
Logistický model populačnej dynamiky
2.3. General autonomous equation
2.4. Example. Logistic equation
2.5. Example. The Solow model of economic growth
2.6. Equations with separable variables
3. Higher dimensional linear equations
3.1 Linear
autonomous (homogeneous) equation
Stability of the zero solution of a LDE
4.Structure of solutions of a linear differential
4.1 The
space of solutions
Fundamental matrix
4.3. Autonomous equation
4.4. The linear nonhomogeneous and the affine equation
Higher order linear equations
4.6 The
harmonic oscillator
4.7. Example. Forced oscillations of an electric
network. Resonance
5. General theory of differential equations
5.1. The need of theory
5.2. Basic theorem on existence, uniqueness and extendability
of solutions
5.3. The method of Cauchy-Peano
5.4. Picard's approximations
5.6. Approximate computation of solutions
5.7 Linear equations
6. General autonomous differential equations.
6.1. Stability of stationary solutions of autonomous differential
6.2. Example. Continuous dynamics of the supply and demand
cobweb model
6.3. Example. The IS-LM model
6.4. Trajectories of autonomous differential equations
7. Two-dimensional autonomous equations
Trajectories of two-dimensional equations
7.2. Classification of two-dimensional linear
7.3. Node
7.4. Saddle
7.5. Focus and center
7.6. Affine equations
7.7. Nonlinear equations
7.8 The method of isoclines
7.9. Example. The Volterra-Lotka equations
7.10. Example. The predator-prey equation}
7.11. Example. Goodwin's growth cycle
8. Integrals of differential equations
8.1. The concept of integral
8.2. Example. The predator - prey equation
8.3. Conservative equations with one degree of freedom
8.4. Example. The harmonic oscillator
8.5. The pendulum equation
Pavol Brunovský, ã Katedra
aplikovanej matematiky a štatistiky, FMFI UK, 2006