Katarína Zigová
Econometric models of producer behaviour
Vedúci diplomovej práce: Univ.Doz.Dr.Bernhard Bohm, TU-Wien

Diplomová práca obhájená na študijnom odbore
Ekonomická a finančná matematika
v roku 2000

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1 Introduction

2 Microeconomic Theory
    2.1 Technology and Production Function
    2.2 Cost Function
    2.3 Duality
    2.4 Functional Forms
       2.4.1 Survey of the Linear-in-Parameters Forms
       2.4.2 Deriving the Translog Cost Function

3 Econometric Methods
    3.1 Estimation Methods
       3.1.1 Ordinary and Generalized Least Squares
       3.1.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
       3.1.3 Seemingly Unrelated Regression
       3.1.4 Estimation under Restrictions
    3.2 Statistical Inference 24
       3.2.1 Test of Linear Restrictions
       3.2.2 Likelihood Ratio, Wald and Lagrange Multiplier Test Statistics
       3.2.3 Durbin-Watson test
    3.3 Problem of Vector Autocorrelation

4 Applications
    4.1 Translog Cost Function for the Paper Industry
       4.1.1 Methods
       4.1.2 Results
       4.1.3 Estimating the Cost Function
    4.2 Testing
       4.2.1 Testing the Constraints
       4.2.2 Recursive Estimates
       4.2.3 One-Step Ahead Prediction Errors
       4.2.4 Chow Test for Constancy of Parameters
    4.3 Estimating with Vector Autocorrelation
       4.3.1 Methods
       4.3.2 Results
       4.3.3 Comparing with the Basic Model

5 Summary
    5.1 Challenges for Future Research
    5.2 Concluding Remarks

6 Resume (in Slovak)


A Appendix

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Stránku pripravil: Daniel Ševčovič, Ústav aplikovanej matematiky, MFF UK,Bratislava